Saturday, May 16, 2009

i think i need a mac

Those of you that have had to put up with my ranting about my color issues I really am sorry but it is driving me up the wall. I think ive got my desktop lcd calibrated and I realise how far off I am. I recently picked up a netbook (lenovo s10) for travel and this is what kicked it all off, I realised my colors were a touch off. I calibrated the s10 and theyre really nice on color. It has a led backlight and out of the factory it is a bit cold but once calibrated its a great little machine. When I looked at raw and edited files on my desktop the colors were way off compared to the netbook.

When me and mim were in japan I used the netbook to backup my photos and even do some editing. It chugs along and is not fast but enough to get by. I think I have decided to get a mac or a new monitor. The mac option is looking good more and more I try to fix this lcd.

Anyways I am sure your not here to hear me whinge so I will leave you with a few shots I took before I went on our holiday. I got the opportunity to photograph Nicole, I used some natural light and softbox setup. Hope you enjoy it.

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